Nov 15, 2007 16:44
Sorry it's been awhile... I'm still living in a hotel...that's right STILL. At first, I thought it was super-fun. Now, I just want to get the hell out of there and have my own bed and a kitchen to make my meals.
Beyond that, the Chantix is still working. I'm Smoke Free Let Me Be. I will however admit to smoking a few when I went out drinking this past weekend. I figure I used to smoke a pack or more in a night where I was a few isn't that bad. The need to smoke while at work is completely gone, and unless I'm in a bar I really just don't care. I call that progress!!
My dreams are still unbelievably life-like, and memorable. Most mornings, I spend the first 15 minutes separating historical fact from fiction. Sometimes I wish some of the fiction weren't actually fiction.
I haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks now...killing me! I was going to start up again this week, but I sprained my ankle Saturday and the doctor says I have to wait til at least next week. (I'm still gonna go do yoga tomorrow as that should be ok...right?)
What else?... I kinda fell in love with Freddie Mercury last night. I was listening to Under Pressure...which I've listened to countless times...but never REALLY listened. Wow... This led me on a youtube search of any videos I could find and so far I have 2 concerts playlisted so I can watch from beginning to end. I found myself crying more than once while watching just knowing how tragic his death was. This led me to the doctor to get my annual hiv test (I know it should be bi-annual...I forgot).
Last, but CERTAINLY not least, I will be putting in my two week notice in three weeks. That means I have five weeks left at this job...and six weeks left in Dallas.
Ummm...CRAZY!!... My body is fighting freaking out about that... It will all work out.
the block,