Mar 09, 2004 01:10
I wrote it twice (the second time in all caps) so you wouldn't miss it. This is primarily to you, though in the end it's just me talking about my cousin. Nothing here is too personal, anyone can read it.
I'm hoping that you might be able to come over tomorrow today. Tuesday. If you read this in the morning, or at school, or right after school and have nothing to do then you have no excuse.
My cousin's in town pretty much only today. I really really REALLY want you to meet him. He's so cool. I'm sure there will be other opportunities, but it would really mean a lot to me.
If you could get a ride here we could take you home. I'll probably have Carli and maybe Jon, or other people that slip my mind right now. I really want him to meet my friends. Hence, you, being probably my best friend, should meet him.
He's awesome. He just came back from visiting his boyfriend in Boston. His lover's a surgen ^_^. *laughs* He was an hour late getting here... I wonder why, maybe he *clears throat* left late. He sure was glowing when he came in. My dad keeps making incest jokes about us. It's great.
So yeah, I hope you get this. I'll give you a call this afternoon, too.
Luv luv luv