(no subject)

Mar 13, 2009 23:05

I walked about 7kms today. My legs feel like jelly. My right hand still feels like jelly from all the writing I've done yesterday. My stomach hurts like a bitch. And for some reason I'm feeling happy and grinning like and idiot. This is not normal - even for me. Wallflower and D.Gray-Man being updated today do not help matters at all. Now my grin is probably The Dark Knight's Joker-esque - minus the scars. (Insert "would you like to see a magic trick" joke here.)

Seriously I think Wallflower is the most anti-shoujo shoujo manga ever. If it isn't averting shoujo cliches, it's parodying them to heaven high and back - with a little tour of hell on its way. Kyohei's sudden epiphinay of "I may love her after all?" Having Ranmaru trick Sunako into thinking she's grown into a "beauty". Leading us all the way to think that Kyohei will confess to Sunako and that she'll be forced to accept. Having him actually confess...

...And then turning it into craving for fried shrimp. FRIED FUCKING SHRIMP!

No self, stop thinking of Envy. Hayakawa doesn't mean that shrimp. Really she doesn't.

Hayakawa-sensei I love you. Really I do. You just keep providing me with epic Lulz of epic proportions.

And D.Gray-Man. Just D.Gray-Man....

Timothy and Divine fucking Possession. (MUST. RESIST. GUNDAM00. INNOVATOR. JOKES. GOD-DAMNIT!) I really had to bite my fingers to stop giggling at their interaction.

Divine: This is how so-and-so works and you should... hey!
Timothy: Ouch! Why didn't that work?! *whiny voice*
Divine: It won't work. You're this. He's that and hence stronger than this. You can't defeat him...
Timothy: Well I'll just do that instead.
Divine: Hey wait...
Timothy: *Tries.* *Fails* *Whines* Why doesn't it work?!
Divine: Because you're so-and-so and this and-
Timothy: Fine I'll just go back to doing this. Hey why has it disappeared?
Divine: Because once you do this and finish it so-and-so happens.
Timothy: You're supposed to tell me this earlier.

My poor, poor stomach; it hurts even more now.

And edfdfgfgdrx Link's alive! *Does happy dance. Nearly falls. Curses Jelly legs and climbs back onto sofa.*

Also: HOLY SHIT Reever looks like a slightly chubbier Havoc from FMA. I just realised that they tend to have the same grin, and same stoned look. AND WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T I NOTICED THIS BEFORE??!! ##%!@$DSHZHGZ. Scientist Havoc... *is trying not to bust a gut with the lulz*

And now I'm sure that D.Gray-Man is an alternate world version of FMA where God exists! I mean just think about it. Steampunkish world. Allen is Edward; come on they're both short and sensitive about it, and have an odd non-human arm, Ed's is auto-mail, Allen's is an an Innocence. Cross Marian is Hoenhiem (when he isn't being Roy Mustang.) Komui is Hughes. The Earl is Father, and the Noah are Homunculi doubled. And there's this one female character in the Black Order (whose name right now eludes me) who is a definite Olivier. And now Reveer is the scientist version of Havoc.... And I should shut up before this list gets any longer.

In short I think I can safely conclude that I'm definitely insane today. And not my normal insane.

fangirling, fullmetal alchemist, fandom, wallflower, insanity lives here, d.gray-man, wtf?, real life

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