This is where I think I saw
ragingfirefall , They have posted a review of an Ursula LeGuin book. I wanted to recommend a couple of books in return for the lovely recommendation that the review gave. They have comments disabled though. I hope this is not too forward of me. Normally I would not post this here, but it was the only way I could think of to do it. Normally I would only post Nightrunner things here.
I recently read a story from Ursula LeGuin called "The Telling". It was rich and lovely, and haunting. It was about an alien culture that had been taken over by a totalitarian repressive government that had been imported from another world,....ours. The main character is an east Indian woman named Sutty who is sent there to try and uncover the original culture and try to preserve what is left of it. It ends up being a journey as much of spirit as physical. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like her grown -up books, you might also try a book called, "Native Tongue" by Suzette Haden Elgin. I can't explain it entirely without giving the plot away, but it potrays a brutally patriarchal future Earth society, and the ways that the women find their freedom. It is utterly heartbreaking, and devastating. It is beautiful, and awful all at once.