back from vacation

Apr 22, 2008 22:52

Bet ya didnt even know I was gone XD

Cruise to the Western Carribean; it was soooo fun! I want to go again. We seriously ate 5-6 meals a day! It was amazing. Did some snorkeling, dolphin friending, biking through rainforest, tons of shopping and eating XD I hope to get pics up sometime this week. (catching up on work stuff boo; in one of my meetings today my coworkers were like "we didnt do anything so it would be less for you to catch up on" I'm like geeeee thanks; damn it them lazy ass bastards haha.) The good thing about being gone; my meeting schedule has been wiped clean im down to liek 2-3 meetings a day its sooo sweet! I pray it stays like that for at lest another week or 2 if im lucky Imona keep trying to hide from people so they think I'm still gone; think itll work?

Oh, got a date for new house too :) may 15! So excited and so busy I need to take pictures of that too. Need a housewarming party too! but dont expect furniture to sit on lols; we wont have any of that for a while.
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