Sep 23, 2007 22:51
I am in dire need of a giant steak, desert and some good chocolate.
Back from asia, it was soo much fun. I'll get pics up later XD too tired today and I have a butt load of perfomrance review to write all due tomorrow boo.
-visted place where they shot myth and myth 2 - sooo beautiful
-attended shangrila house party - crazy fun
-buddist temple that wasnt an uberly restored tourist destination
-went up crazy high mountain where it was sunny at the bottom and snowing at the top - pretty glaciers
-saw the village my grandmother was from (zhong san)
-some delicious food (mmm $100 crab XD)
-laugh your ass off be nice to people commercials on tv
-lots of other stuff that im forgetting but theyll be in picutures
-place they created for a movie way back when where in the streets they reanacted a prisoner capture..i loled so hard it was awsome!
Things I want to forget (and probably will soon XD)
-disgusiting bathrooms...I wont go into detail, but there are stories and I can describe them grphically if your really intersted...
-tiff as mosquito food (countless bites even on my face ick)
-pushy asian people with no manners (they bloody cut in front of you even when your lining up for the bathroom, spit everywhere ugh)
-omg gross food (covered in oil and sometimes you could never tell what they were)
-6 plane rides and countless hours on a bus
-smelly smelly streets
-clothes dont fit people over 5'4" ; so dont bother
-my mom and jewelry, if i see another jewlry store im gonna barf (we prolly spent like 10 hours in 6 differnt jwelery stores)
-sugar and meat deprivation
It was so fun I planned my trip for next year already wheewhooooo
ok time to write reviews and catch up on my 1600 emails (grr mondays)