May 25, 2003 17:57

I Haven't posted on here in what seems to be eternity! I just started in a new art group for us depressed folks. It's pretty cool. I've met a couple people that are really nice and have made a new friend there as well. Wow...a friend! What the (bleeep)is that? I haven't had a truly close friend in a long time, if ever. Someone I can tell ANYTHING to! This is incredible. I'm excited at the prospect of it all...Darn...The closest friend that has ever been in my life was initially an on-line friend who I'd ended up going to another state to meet. About a year ago someone filled this person's head with a lie about how I supposedly told someone else lies about my friend (and why the hell would I do that to my best friend? People are so brainless!)and this friend believed the person who told him the crap, rather than believing in me and giving me a chance to defend myself. In no way did I ever lie about anyone to anyone....especially my best friend in the whole world!I'm not that kind of person! In fact, I'm so damn honest that I get myself in trouble with it, alot. I say honest things that embarrass people and I don't mean to do it...but lies I don't believe in....especially about other people. People who go around telling lies about other people have too damn much time on their hands! And no brains in their head because "A-DUH!"...the person they told the lie about is BOUND to find out about it through the grapevine and then gets the originator of the lie in trouble! If I was going to lie about someone I wouldn't be dumb enough to tell someone that would go back to the recipiant and tattle about it! Give me alittle credit here, people! I consider myself an intelligent person. Too intelligent to ever consider doing such evil, stupid and boring activities. It's just such a shame that this person can't see the forest for the trees and see through the crap they're being told about me saying this and that. It's all a big lie and I think I have a pretty good idea who did it and why. It's such a waste of what was a very close friendship and I was very depressed and upset about losing this friend A) because I cared about this person a great deal and would've never done anything to hurt them and B) because someone thought that I lied about them, and that's just NOT me. I felt personally insulted by this accusation because I pride myself on my honesty and it pissed me off, to no end, that someone was believing this stuff about me....that I could be so mean and vicious to someone I cared so deeply about. It hurt my heart and went right down to the very core of my soul. I don't know if I will ever get over it, completely. I even tried killing myself when it happened and my "boyfreind" stopped me. He had to get violent with me to stop me from hurting myself, I was so distraught and depressed over the whole thing. I am still, to this day, as a matter of fact, but not as bad as I was the night I found out why this former friend wasn't talking to me.

In any case, the person I am referring to, designed my Live Journal. So if you know who designed my Live Journal, you know who I'm talking about.

Well, I'm still working on opening a Goth/Pagan store in Buffalo. THis time it is going to be a sole venture. My sister can kiss my (bleep) because she's NOT going to be involved. I'm doing it alone. I met a new friend (Carolyn) who owns a little Gothic shop in the Allentown area of Buffalo, that she started only months ago. It's really cool! I bought a sterling silver bat ring from the place. I just couldn't resist! It was adorable! It looks like a real bat....not a cartoon one. Anyway, we're going to try to work together and share info from each other, once I get my store up and running. Maybe swap merchandisers and goods. That'd be cool. My store will be in the South Buffalo district called the Lovejoy District, so there won't be any competition between the two of us. That'll be cool, too. Well, I think I've rambled on, long enough....Binkley Willypepper will be happy to see I've finally posted in this thing after all this time. I never did write that poem I mentioned in my last entry but I have written many others that are just as deep and thoughtful. I'll have to post it here, when I find my journal at the art group and copy the poems out of it. Hey, I've also lost 80 pounds since my Gastric Bypass surgery in December of this past year. I only have 80 more to go! LOL!!
But damn, I sure look different than I did when my former friend last saw me. He'd be shocked if he saw me now. My clothes are all way too big on me! WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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