(no subject)

Feb 24, 2007 12:22

Sad.  Lj totally lost this awesometastic post of AIM convos between me and Spirk.  We were crazy.  And talked about things like buffy : )  YAY for Buffy!!  I stayed up till four something this morning watching random Buffy episodes.  Like the finally of season two.  OMG that mad me cry.  When Angel gets his soul back, and its all, crap acathala is alive, and he's so confused, but I have to send him to hell anyway T_T  And this time, since I was looking for it, I totally paid attention to them playing Close Your Eyes, and it played just liek I thought it did/ would ^_^  Good song that.  Full of emotion and heartbreak.  It makes you think of love lost, and brings a tear to your eye when you listen to it.  Its that sorrowful  (and if you doubt me, I'll make you listen to it.)  Seriously.  I say serioulsy a lot.

Yesterday was fun at the mall. Erin and I ended up getting Matching Green bras and underwear.  They are teh sexy ^_^  I also got more Jelly bracelets.  Green and Black, and White and Black.  Relooked up Jelly Bracelets, just for fun.  White has other meaning besides flashing.  It can also mean French Kiss.  Green can either mean hug, or the more common one is oral for teh girl.  I dunno why, but I find these intresting.  Like, the bracelets.  The whole concept behind them and shiz, teh debate about them.  All of that sort of thing.  Yeah

Gotta Go to work now, so I'm off, yeah.  I say yeah a lot tooooo.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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