Well.. to furthur discuss X-men.. there are rumors now milling around for an X-men 4.
Both Halle (Storm) and Patrick (Xavier) both dropped hints on a possiblity of another installment if the demands are high enough. Although contridiction has been brought up that Hugh (Logan) said there may not be a X4 nor did he plan on returning for one. (Spoilers on last paragraph to further discuss)
Also noted: Hugh has planned for a Wolverine movie which would most likely be a prequal to X-men. The script has been drafted and been waiting for Fox to give a green light on the go. Also, rumors milled around that the reason why James (Cyclops) had such a small part was because of scheduling conficts and that he wasn't planning on returning anyway due too it. Again it was rumors which also add into that he may not return for X4.
More on the rumors that both Patrick and James mentioned in an interview that although 'Last Stand' may be the last movie of the trilogy, that does not mean that the X-men series will end. James quoted "nobody really dies in the X-Men universe so there is this feeling that we can do these movies forever with the same characters, so we’ll see. As of now we’re good." Again he stated there may not be another one.
Also, Vinnie (Jaugernaught) was rumoured to sign on for X4 and X5, and when Ian (Magento) was asked if that was true, he said it may but he is not signed up as of now.
There also have been constant discussion in interviews stating that if 'Last Stand' does well in the box office, that it could open up for more of a chance.
Check here
http://planetxmen.gamespy.com/View.php?view=XMenMovies.Detail&id=6&game=8 to read all the hints and quotes on the debate of a sequal.
Because of the last clip at the end of the movie (After the credits) of when Moria, the doctor, came to the room and Charles spoke, hinting that he was alive. And because of Magento powers slowly returning... it has left the option of continuing it opened.