curiouser and curiouser...

Jun 08, 2006 14:43

Last night's dream was interesting. Vivid colors and intricate details, though now most of the plot has left me. There was one instance, though, that I found interesting.

I was planning this beautiful, beautiful house. It looked something like my house, but we kept changing it as we went along. When I say "we," I am referring to myself and one other person, a beautiful, dark haired Englishman who was employed by the residence in some way. I don't want to say he was "the butler" or anything like that, because he also had some element of power to him. Additionally, he was...well...taken with the dark side, you might say. I cannot remember now exactly who he was but he was reminiscent of some of those British actors who always play evil characters, like Jason Issacs.

Anyway, he and I had a history of contention (him being bad, and I being good, of course). But as we were going about the house, decorating and arranging for whatever party was supposed to happen, he and I started...well...flirting. There was definite chemistry there. We were just finishing up decorating the backyard when someone, another employee of the house, saw us and said...well...I can't quite remember. It was "Hey, are you two seeing blood or seeing..." and there was another word. I can't remember. Fire? I don't know. And now that I am awake that phrase makes no sense at all. But in the dream I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Seeing blood" meant being in love. And "seeing fire" or seeing whatever the other word was, meant hating each other vehemently. The gist of it was, this other person who knew us both wanted to know if we were together now, or if we still hated each other. The Englishman replied, "Yes," and I laughed, knowing the other worker wouldn't be able to tell which statement he was replying yes to. I don't think either of us knew.

When the Englishman and I walked back into the house, he smiled at me and leaned in to kiss me, but when I looked up at him I was disgusted to see that he had transformed into my brother! I recoiled, moving away in disgust. I said something about the fact that he was now my brother, but he either didn't notice or took it in stride. I, however, could not look past it. Any attraction I had had had irretrievably vanished [hehe, I couldn't pass up the chance to use the word "had" three times in a row].

What is so interesting about this dream, however, is that this is the second time in recent days that someone I was attracted to in a dream morphed into someone that I had no attraction to at all (if not having my stomach churn at the very thought of...well...anything). This time, with this attractive Englishman turning into my brother, and in the dream a few days ago where Jake turned into (ha, of all people) Mr. Stolper! I think this trend in dreaming is worth looking into...
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