Oct 29, 2013 21:55
No, not the damn dragon cross stitch.
The patchwork fur pillow with velor backing and pawprint beaded accent. Took a little longer than I expected, but mostly since I kept expanding the project to something more and more awesome. I expect to mail it either tomorrow or Thursday. I'll have to add pictures then. :) I don't want it to somehow get out in advance.
The AFN craft fair was amazing this weekend. I indulged myself in a sea otter fur pillow, and a fur seal bracelet. I had never touched fur seal before, so that was extra neat. The otter pillow is to freekin' die for. Plus it was less expensive than the one I saw last time. I CAN'T STOP TOUCHING IT. THE SOFT. It is amazing.
I also snagged some cool gifts for people, and this salve that is amazing. Better than any other pain killer for just about anything and all natural. I should have bought two cans.
I also went to another bazaar at the Catholic school. They had some nice stuff too. I was pretty tired so I didn't get going really early, but that's ok. I think I knew I was getting a cold. Now I'm pretty fucking sick. I'm tired of being sick too.
We did Oktoberfest at work today. Everything came out really well and was fun in spite of me feeling super nasty. I just hope I magically feel better sooner than last time. I hate this month long having a cold thing.
Work also gave us iPad Minis. They are going paperless. But we are supposed to take it home and play with it so we understand how to use it and stuff. So basically they handed us a couple hundred bucks as a toy and told us to go play. Ok. Cool. It's ok, I can't make the touch part work unless I use my off hand or a stylus. I guess I have callused fingers on my right hand and not enough oil. Hell, at least it works now. I was getting pissed off at first. Chris had a blast with it, and I was ready to throw it across the room. Now I can use it.
Any app suggestions? I'm looking for good ideas of what to add.
Looks like Thor wants up and to play. Bunny time!