Mar 06, 2013 19:16
After seeing some really off the wall drama around the 'net that went down over the weekend, I realized how much more disconnected I CHOOSE to be than what most people currently are. I'm pretty damn happy about that.
FYI- I know most of my friends aren't around LJ anymore, but to those that are:
If you disagree with something I post to the point of not wanting to be my friend anymore, I don't give a shit. Clearly you weren't a true friend to begin with. By all of that I mean REAL friend, not just "friended" via some social network.
Friends can disagree about many things, but will remain friends for other reasons. I care about my friends and value their opinions both differing and the same as mine. It's called respect. We all make stupid choices and do really stupid things at times too- I value my friends who are willing to realize this and forgive, as I am with them. Yeah, sometimes it takes me a while if I'm really mad, but if it isn't major (IE Bryan level of fuckeduppedness), it isn't that big of a freekin' deal.
So much has happened health wise, especially after living in nearly constant pain, foggy brain, and general misery through most of 2012, that I have changed my internet usage dramatically. Now I primarily keep in touch directly with people via email or facebook. I cut down on the forums I visit quite a bit. I use it for info I need when it comes to projects or whatever, posting pictures of finished items (mostly for my own ease of showing them to various people who asked to see), and the occasional shopping for things I can't find in Fairbanks. I rarely post here- typing tends to hurt- and I'd rather use my ok-ish feeling time to do something productive in real life.
Yeah. It's JUST the internet. I like pulling the plug a lot more and with grater frequency than I ever used to think. I need to enjoy what life I get.