All things rub me the wrong way today.
Landlord scheduled some company to clean vents in the house. This process includes loud noises and a substantial delay in my ability to accomplish things today. Things like vacuum cleaners, compressors and general white noise generators are like hell in my world, like a nasty smell that makes you nauseous. I need to get down to Walmart and get an eye exam, this is the last opportunity I'll have for three weeks.
Package orders
The post office
Buy gifts
Eye exam
Apply for new jobs
Practice for show tonight...
This show is the antidote?
Without Jamie around all the down time seems like a dull ache, a fog. And in a grandiose sweep the air around me has become like the feeling in my head. A clouded, aching headache derived of smokey air.
Everyone go to my record release show. At least the music is going really well. Good thing, because its taken the place of all other pleasures.
I have been enjoying a few classics of California art this week...
Can't Remember