for nyx brought me not forth to be the lord of the lyre, nor to be seer or leech, but to lull to rest men's souls.
DEITY NAME: Hypnos, god of sleep
PARENTAGE: Nyx and Erebus
PasitheaABILITY: The longer one spends around Hypnos, the more tired they become, until they eventually fall asleep. Once you start yawning and your eyelids begin to feel heavy, you might want to high tail it out of there.
Nyx (mother),
Thanatos (twin brother),
Charon (brother),
Hemera (sister)
HUMAN ALIAS: Mathias Iverson
HUMAN AGE | BIRTHDATE: Twenty-five | May 14, 1986
NATIONALITY: Danish-American
PasitheaOCCUPATION: No real job to speak of, though he is a bi-weekly outpatient at the Sleep Disorders Institute.
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
HEIGHT: 6'2"
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown
EYE COLOR: Dark brown
PLAYED BY: Louis Garrel
PERSONALITY: If anyone was to say that Hypnos was a cruel being, they probably weren't talking about the right Greek god. If anything, he was perhaps one of the most gentle of all. As a reincarnation, he's still very much the same: soft in his words and in his heart, and never violent, even with his speech. He doesn't enjoy bringing harm upon others, as sleep is always a gentle, painless state to be in, and he neither does he enjoy seeing others in pain. Hypnos is, and always will be, a kind and comforting presence.
Sometimes, he comes across as shy, or even weird because of his staring, when he merely has little to say. Sweet and quiet, the god of sleep can be quite reserved, particularly when he's tired, but conversing with others is easy. Not falling asleep in the middle of a conversation is the hard part, especially during the day time. Hypnos suffers from narcolepsy that impedes his daytime functions, and so he doesn't quite like going out during the day unless it's important. He tends to be more animated in the evening -- a night owl by pure definition.
Hypnos isn't a being driven by any carnal desires to be intimate with someone, but he's far from opposed to affection, particularly when cuddling up to someone during sleep. He finds beautiful people a joy to be around, yet the desire to bed them isn't always there. Most times, he's content to just admire. Easy-going and simple at heart, he doesn't enjoy complicated relationships, friendships included.
But regardless of his good and kind nature, he can still be selfish. As long as he believes no one will get hurt if he complies, there is always the chance that Hypnos can act out of purely selfish impulses. Although he can certainly try and stand up for himself, he's a momma's boy at heart, and would rather hide behind others rather than face the wrath of those he knows he can't fight against, being somewhat of a pushover. He hates to argue and finds irritating conversations not worth the effort, so tuning out or walking away is not all uncommon with him.
As the personification of sleep, Hypnos prefers quiet over loud noises, and so perhaps the busy New York is not the best place for him, but wherever his brother goes, he must follow.
HISTORY: Once, he was known as the god or personification of sleep. He was the son of the goddess Nyx and the darkness that was Erebus, and the twin brother of Thanatos. In the Underworld, where his other brothers also dwelled, he had a cave on the bank of the river Lethe, its entrance decorated with poppies. Ovid, however, described him as living in a cave under the island of Lemnos. His wife was Pasithea, one of the Graces (or Charites), and his sons (or sometimes brothers) were Phantasos, Morpheus, and Phobetor, and Ikelos, all gods of dreaming.
He held a great power over mortals and immortals alike, and whenever something involving sleep, whether strange or natural, was brought up, Hypnos was to blame. Twice he had put even Zeus to sleep, both times orchestrated by his wife Hera, of whom he was favored. Only once did Zeus nearly catch him for his misdeeds: Hera had instructed him to put her brother-husband to sleep so that she could punish Heracles as she pleased. The second time he was asked to take out Zeus during the Trojan War, he was promised Pasithea as a wife, but he fell under the radar and was never reprimanded for his actions.
Hypnos also came to the aid of the moon goddess Selene, who had been informed her mortal love Endymion would not be able to be made immortal. Zeus lulled Endymion into an eternal sleep, while Hypnos granted him the ability to sleep with his eyes open so that he could watch Selene, as she could him.
REINCARNATIONS: This is his first time being reincarnated, as the son of a doctor and a nurse, born in Aarhus, Denmark. After his mother's death when he was thirteen, he and his father left the country to explore new horizons. His father wanted him to become a doctor like him, but when he began to show symptoms of narcolepsy halfway through high school, that option became impossible, and so he was forced to finish his classes via correspondence. Mathias spent the next four years going in and out of hospitals, but no results proved satisfactory.
Though his father was disappointed his son couldn't excel in a career in medicine, or really any career at all with the way he could barely keep awake during the day, he found him an apartment in New York with the intention of getting him back on his feet in the city that never sleeps. Good luck with that, daddy.
PLAYER: Angie!
thundersocksCONTACT: mean umbrellas [aim] | rockinghorsefly[at]gmail[dot]com
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