Bi Lingual

May 18, 2003 04:02

How many of you speak another language other than English?

I kind of do. I speak Spanish but not fast and not fulently. I NEVER put on applications that I am bi-lingual or speak Spanish.

I saw this report on a local news station (Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, FL) that 20% of the jobs in South Florida REQUIRE you to be bi-lingual. Most of the other jobs prefer you to be bi-lingual and will hire the bi-lingual person over the English-only person even if the English-only person is more qualified.

In a way, I am kinda an "English-only" or "English First' person b/c I think if you move to America from another country that you should LEARN ENGLISH! I mean, if I moved to Venezuela or Spain or another country, people there aren't gonna speak English for me, so I'd have to learn their language. Why don't people apply this to when they move to America?

I was talking to my dad's g/f alot in Spanish to show that I coudl do it and understood most of it. I sometimes had problems w/ verb tenses but its not bad for someone raised by an English-speaking mother. I just hate it when peopel talk too fast. I will loose track.

Us English-speaking people don't talk too fast. Atleast most of us that aren't the Micro Machines man and don't do play-by-play for horse racing.

By the way, I'm half Cuban and half Irish (American) so I think I add a unique perspective and insite on this topic.
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