
May 15, 2003 20:49

Somehow on Monday, in a conversation w/ me, my sister and my pregnant aunt, the "supernatural" came into our conversation. We started tlkaing about "near-death experiences" and reincarnation.

I don't believe in reincarnation, BUT if somehow its real, I think God is sending us a message. RECYCLE! I mean if he recycles souls, why shouldn't we recycle plastic bottles, old shoes, cans, etc.

One intersting thing is that alotta people are afraid of thigns for no reason and they don't kwno why. For instance, my aunt says that my grandmother is afraid of water and she doens't know why. Of course, it could be a repressed memory in her early childhood, but some people think it may be b/c she drowned or something in a past life.

That makes me remember something. I've heard people say that black people don't like swimming or alot of them don't, although there are Black poeple on swim teams. I'm not saying its true or not, I'm jsut saying what I've heard. BUT, I've also heard during the slave trade in the 1700s that about 20 million Africans were thrown overboard. SO if reincarntaion is true and that stereotype is true, then that woudl explain it.

But how many of you believe in reincarnation or are open to the idea? What do you think you woudl come back as in your next life and what woudl youlike to come back as? I've heard that in India people don't kill flies b/c they think it could be a past family member or something. But in a way, isn't it good, aren't they doing them a favor, if they kill them, if they're just a fly? becuase then they will come back as somethign better. Especially since they were jsut a lowly fly that was killed by a human.

On another thought, this girl in my AP gov't class in 12th grade once said that her dad in Kentucky has a huge pick up truck and once ran over like 8 ducklings or somehtign who were following their mother. If that's true, WHAT A DICK! Animal cruelty! OH! If reincarnation is realy, in his next life, he will be some animal like a possom born on the intersection of Pines and University, the most dangerous intersection in Florida! He will be born, take a step and CURTAINS! Of course, for doing all that, he should die slowly and suffer some...
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