Here are the results for the survey I posted last Friday, April 12th. Read them if you'd like...
Polling Questions:
1. How often do you attend religious services?
21%- A) Every week or almost every week
8% B) About twice a month
22%- C) Occasionally (once every 1-3 months)
19%- D) Holidays (Easter, Christmas, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashauna, or other Holy Days in other religions not mentioned
29%- E) Never
29%- Regular Church-goers
41%- Rare Church-goers
29%- Non Church-goers
2. Do you believe that God or a "benevolent force" exists?
91%- A) Yes
6%- B) No
3%- Unclear Answers
3. Do you believe that Satan (the Devil) or an "evil force" exists?
70%- A) Yes
26%- B)No
4%- Unclear Answers
4) Please circle response that most closely matches your view of the following about Heaven and Hell
12%- A) I believe in Heaven, but not Hell
0%- B) I believe in Hell but not Heaven
67%- C) I believe in both Heaven and Hell
19%- D) I do not believe in Heaven or Hell
3%- Unclear Answers
79%- Believe in Heaven
5)Of the religions listed which one best describes you?:
20%- A) Roman Catholic
45%- B) Protestant
6% -Baptist (White/Other)
3% -Baptist (Black)
7% -Methodist
1% -Episcopalian
-% -Lutheran
4% -Other
9%- C) Jewish
0%- D) Muslim
10%- E) Atheist/Agnostic
16%- F) Other
6) The Bible, Torah, Koran, or other religious writings. How closesly do you follow or listen to them?
23%- A) I follow the Bible, Koran, or Torah word for word since it is the literal word of God (Allah).
9%- B)I follow the Bible, Koran, or Torah word for word but it is not necessarily the literal word of God (Allah).
28%- C) I somewhat follow the Bible, Koran, or Toran, but not literally or word-for-word. I think it is important to follow but some things described seem out of the realm of reality or were probably misinterpreted in its translation
16%- D) I read the Bible, Torah, or Koran, and am aware of its teachings, but I do not take it literally and it seems more like stories to help you be a better person, but that is the extent of its relevance.
25%- E) I do not read the Bible, Torah, or Koran.
32%- Follow their Holy Book
44%- SOmewhat Follow their Holy Book/Aware of its teachings
25%- DO not read Holy Books
7) Which Political Party Best Describes Your Views?:
30%- A) Democrat
46%- B) Republican
24%- C) Independent
8) Which Political Philosophy best fits your views?
35%- A) Conservative (less gov't in economic issues, but more gov't in social issues)
32%- B) Liberal (more gov't in economic issues, but less gov't in social issues)
25%- C) Libertarian (less gov't in economic and social issues)
7%- D) Populist (more gov't in economic and social issues)
42%- Philosophy is for MORE Gov't interaction on social issues
58%- Philosophy is for LESS GOv't interaction on social issues
40%- Philosophy is for MORE Gov't interaction on economic issues
60%- Philosophy is for LESS Gov't interaction on economic issues
9) If you could had the same choice as in the 2000 election, who would you vote for today?
6%- A) Harry Browne (Libertarian)
1%- B) Pat Buchanan (Reform)
54%- C) George W. Bush (Republican)
35%- D) Al Gore (Democrat)
3%- E) Ralph Nader (Green)
1%- No Answer
61%- Right Wing Candidates
38%- Left Wing Candidates
10) Did you vote in the 2000 and 2002 elections? Or if you had the chance to vote would you have voted in those elections?
78%- A) Voted in both/ would have if I had the chance
13%- B) Voted in 2000 but not 2002
3%- C) Voted in 2002 but not 2000 (if you weren't old enough to vote in 2000, but you voted in 2002 and would have voted in 2000, if you were of legal age, please mark"A" instead)
6%- D) Did not vote in either 2000 or 2002 and would have no interest to.
For each of the following questions, please circle (or mark) the response that most closely matches your view.
11) Abortion: which best describes your view?
19%- A) Legalize abortion in all cases including late-term abortions
35%- B) Legalize abortion in most cases except late-term abortions
36%- C) Outlaw Abortions except for cases of rape, incest, or life/health of the mother
10%- D) Outlaw all abortions
Pro-Choice= 54%
Pro-Life= 46%
12) Gay Rights:
I) Should homosexuals be allowed to adopt children?
64%- A)Yes
33%- B)No
3%- Unsure
II) Should homosexuals be allowed to legally marry?
60%- A) Yes
37%- B) No
3%- Unsure
13) Prayer in public school:
4%- A) Yes, there should be student-led prayer in public schools everyday
79%- B) There should be a "moment of silence" allowed for students to pray if they want to, and private religious clubs should be allowed to form at public schools.
16%- C) There should be no prayer in schools, no moment of silence, and student-led religious groups should not be permitted to form on campus.
14) Evolution vs. Creationism in public schools:
2%- A) Creationism should be the only theory taught in public schools
19%- B) Evolution should be the only theory taught in public schools
79%- C) Both Creationism and Evolution should be taught in public schools as possible theories of human development since both are only theories and not scientific law. Public school students should be allowed to choose which theory has more credibility.
15) How much of a factor is your faith (or non-faith) in your voting decisions?
12%- A) Extremely Important, the top criteria used to base candidates on.
29%- B) Somewhat important, maybe the second or third most important factor in my voting decisions
29%- C) Not Very Important, I vote more based on other issues or my faith (or lack of faith) does not play a huge role in my voting decisions.
29%- D) Not important at all. I vote for candidates without any regard for my faith (or non-faith).
42%- Faith (or non-faith) IS a factor
58%- Faith (or non-faith) IS NOT a factor
16) Please tell us your age:
97%- A) 18-25
3%- B) 26-40
C) 41-64
D) 65 -up
17) Please Tell us your racial identification:
74%- A) White
3%- B) Black
16%- C) Hispanic
1%- D) Asian
6%- E) Other
Sample Size= 69