If you're a Democrat, Democrat -leaning, or an Independent who may vote in a Democratic primary next year, do you have any favourites for the 2004 election? I know its a year away, but there's alotta news coverage already. Of the candidates who have announced that they are running, who would YOU choose to be the Democratic nominee in 2004? Also tell me WHY you think they would best represent the Democratic Party
_____ Joe LIEberman ( 61 y/o (years old) 3rd term Conn. Senator, Al Gore's VP Nominee, is known for being a highly religious, Orthodox Jew and for advocating censorship of music and tv)
_____ John F. Kerry ( about 58 y/o, 3rd term Mass. Senator, Married to the heiress of the Heinz fortune, has $600 million in his bank acct)
_____ John Edwards ( 49 y/o, 1st term NC Senator, big trial attorney)
_____ Dick Gephardt ( late 50's, 12th? Term Misso. Congressman, was the Minority Leader from 1995-2002, big supporter of Labor Unions)
_____ Bob Graham (67 y/o, 3rd term Fla Senator, Former Governor of Fla, Former Chairman of the Senate National Defense Committee, known for his "workdays" where he does a job like a bus driver, teacher, or fast food worker for a day)
_____ AL SHaprton ( ?? y/o, looks like Don King, Reverand and Civil-Rights Leader but is considered to be on the "fringe" and Anti-Semitic)
_____ Howard Dean (??y/o, looks older 50's, Former Governor of Vt., made gun laws looser and legallized gay marriages, so if you're a gay hunter, he's the guy for you!)
HIllary Clinton and Al GOre are NOT RUNNING so they aren't options. I don't knwo if I missed anyone who's running, but if I did, please tell me so I can add them for this unscientific poll...