Part of the Guild
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If I owned glee I wouldn't be writing this very quickly before going to work a shift at a hell dimension -err I mean Target.
Warnings: Blaine? And Dalton? Kind of future!fic for those that know WoW considering the endgame raid hasn't come out yet.
Summary: Blaine's guild has finally got to Deathwing.
"Zerra, go to the right. No your other right. Kermit-" and that's what caught Kurt's attention, "heal Vans, Ganna's being strangled. No, where were you ten minutes ago? Abeona isn't the tank this time. She's only dps. Great. We have a tank down, tank down. Do we have a druid that can b-rez?" Blaine called into the little headset dangling close to his mouth.
Kurt was on Blaine's bed trying to study but hopelessly failing. His literary club had gotten canceled because of a fight over Poe and Dickens which had left a bad tension between two of the three counsel members. After almost a full year of knowing each other this was honestly the first tuesday night that Kurt had honestly spent with Blaine, or atleast around him. Kurt currently glared at his friend.
He knew that Blaine played that World of Warcraft game but didn't know it was this bad. He sat on the bed with his history book on his lap just watching the dark haired boy play.
When Kurt had first arrived saying the club was cancelled Blaine smiled and said he was going to go call his raid leader and back out of the raid tonight. It had only taken a minute on the phone before Blaine turned to the taller boy and exclaimed. "We're on Deathwing!" before turning back to the phone. "Why didn't you guys tell me? Yeah, I know I missed the raid last week. I couldn't help it. My latin teacher forced me to tutor some freshmen. But serious? Deathwing. Dude you guys are totes gonna need my crit heals." And than Kurt was gone. He had no idea what the rest of the conversation entailed as Blaine set up his desk with snacks and drinks.
"So you are raiding tonight?" Kurt asked kind of confused as he plopped down on the bed.
"Oh god, Kurt. Yeah, sorry. I have to. We're at endgame boss. Took us freaking months to get here and I'm the raid heals with the highest crits." Kurt just lifted one eyebrow not to sure what he was talking about but whatever he had homework he needed to do.
And thats how they found themselves two hours later and after Kurt watched Blaine get slaughtered by the boss countless times. A few were completely hilarious which caused Blaine to yell "Mulligan! Mulligan!" after each one.
But soon Kurt was getting even more into it and even more curious as to what was being said back to Blaine's random comments. He moved off the bed and behind Blaine, studying the scene before him. There were nine other toons running around trying to kill the boss. He noticed that Blaine was most focused on staying out of the fire which usually was what killed him and healing the two people kiting the big boss - Deathwing - around.
"Blaine, fire right next to you!" Kurt exclaimed right at his ear causing the boy in front of him to jump, sending his character directly into Deathwing's tail whip, killing the poor clothie instantly.
"Blaine what was that? You ran right into his tail attack!" cried someone. Kurt looked down and noticed it was coming from the headset. He could hear them. A mischievous smile played on his lips. Blaine just turned around and glared before pressing a button on his keyboard.
"My friend decided he wanted to play ninja."
"Play ninja?" asked a voice with a southern drawl. "Is that like playing-"
"Matthew! Demon's still a kid. Don't talk like that in front of him," exclaimed a woman with a New Orleans kind of tinge to her words. Kurt turned to him and mouthed 'Demon?' but got no response because Blaine was not paying attention.
"Whisper! Shush. I'm 16 not 12!" Blaine exclaimed. Kurt noticed it seemed like a familiar argument for all three. Kurt leaned over and pressed the same button Blaine did, getting exceedingly close to Blaine's lips without realizing it.
"Sorry guys. That was my fault, not Demon." Kurt couldn't help but snicker at that. "But I think you'll get a lot further if you guys start by the left pillar. Divid you're healers between the distance-"
"Ranged dps"
"Ranged dps and the two guys at the front-"
"The tanks"
"Yes if you divid the healers between the tanks and the ranged dps on either side of the pillar so when he does his fire attack you guys can run behind the nearest fallen rocks and each will have a healer." Blaine just sat there and looked at him with awe.
"Dude!" A exclaimed a girl with no accent at all. "Can I keep him?"
"Gana!" Blaine exclaimed. "Don't mind her, she's some crazy Boston girl that follows me around." He smirked knowing that the talk button was still pressed.
"You suck dude. Remind me not to send you those amazing care packages anymore. But no seriously. If he doesn't already play, get him an account. We need another healer since you and me aren't cutting it for this fight and for the whole guild."
And that was how Kurt found himself spending the rest of the night creating a WoW account and downloading it to his laptop.
A.N.: This was written very quickly and possibly has a ton of errors. But I hope you like it. And yes if you can't tell I am a wow girl. I am also a tank heals. level 85 holy/ret pally ^.^