(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 00:41

well this weekend i went to my almost uncles (he hasn't married my aunt because of dept) house on the chesapeak bay. it was an amazing weekend. i got closer to all of my family, espicaly my aunt tracey. i had my first skinny dipping experience it was great just me and all my girl cousins totaly naked and just having a good time of course it was totaly dark outside it was like midnight but the moon on the water was so great., my aunt tracey and i stayed up and talked untill like 3 am im goign to mis her more that words can say. i don't know i just feel like god just pushed that line of how much i can take how strong i can be. i think he finaly hit it i just don't know how i'm going to do it again. wel 4 days untill we load the final box. i guess this up date wasn't that long afterall .
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