Head -- Boom!

Oct 16, 2003 05:53

Had my Microeconomics mid-term exam today. The questions were generally pretty basic, no tricks. I figure I got a minimum of 80%.

The teacher managed to royally piss me off. He'd told us that we'd have the whole period for the exam (2h15), but he was late and took his sweet time handing everything out... so in reality we only had 1h50. In my old university if we started late, we finished late, it's only fair... and according to contract (yes, the teachers sign contracts with the students at UQAM, but not at Concordia apparently). So, because of lack of time, I didn't get to analyze some questions in depth and be sure of my answer, I could only put down my first hunch, and I hate doing that cause then I'm just a pack of doubts.

Not only did he shorten the alloted time, but he also had some irrelevant questions in the exam on material that was not covered in class, nor in the book... and frankly, I'd like to know their relevance to microeconomics. And those questions had to be 1 paragraph long, of course, to waste our time some more! For example, one of them was about the cholera outbreak in Russia, and the czar sending doctors to small towns, and those towns killing the doctors thinking that they were the ones bringing death to their town.

Yup, I was picturing the teacher's head exploding when I got out of class.
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