I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaccccckkkkkkk!!!! ()()*

Sep 28, 2008 21:26

*Crowd Screams and Runs in Terror*    Not like anyone will care!  HAHHH!!! *Bunny Tail Twitch*  Damn Glad to be back on again.  I didn't even know this shit was still alive.

It's been two fargin years (since Jan. 2006) since I've posted on this thang.   But, I shall strive to kick it in gear up a notch and see what happens.   *Taps on mic*  "Phhhhew phhhew....  Hello?  Hello?"   hahahaahaha

I will try to update my recent past for the last two years in the days and nights ahead.

Night-all!!! xoxoxoxoxxo  ()()*

P.S. I love this new (for me) LJ format for posting -- much easier than the Ol' Shit!  :)
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