Oct 12, 2007 15:01
I am soooo behind on my friend's page, i really am. I think I need to trim down some of my communities or something. I'm even well behind on reading Inell's fanfic (Worth The Risk). Guess since my dad's not home right now I can get some friend's page reading done today without worrying about bandwidth being hogged. Then maybe Tuesday while at the doctor's I can finish up some more since it goes by faster then, or something. But then again i already have some stuff planned for then.
Sometimes I wonder why I still have a Livejournal still at all. I'm spreading myself so thin online lately. Well okay not lately since I haven't really even been on for a few days. But there's Gaia, Greatestjournal, Myspace, Facebook....those are the sites I've been on more lately. Yeah I know some people think having a GJ is cheating on LJ, but my RPGS are on there....mostly because I'm sorry but I like to do layouts and GJ has it free and plus more icons. Sure I think a rpg journal can survive with 15 pb icons, but come on 100 is so much better eh? Ugh my RPG, that just reminded me of yet another thing I have to do...
Oh well, guess this has to be short.