SO! it all starts with this little lady right cheya!^^^
So before i begin, lemme just say todays start was a little slow; to say the least, lol. I awoke around..mmm.........3pm...ish? lol. jake rolled me out of bed and we to visit Jessica! *pictured above. As a little background info, you can trust in the fact that my feelings for this woman are crazy. i been wanting this chicka foreeevverrrr, lol. but hey, whats a guy with no license, no job, no money and pretty much no way to get around to do? exactly!, thus i been saying fuck relationships for the longest time, but stilllllll does not change the fact that this chick drives me crazy, lol. so me and jake got back to my crib and stayed up watching pearl jam and green day on tv in HD concerts(w00t) and eventually he wimped out and went to bed, lol. then the TEXTING BEGAN! so at first she didnt know how to word it then pretty much just threw it in my face, "i like you". WOOOORRRDDDDDD? lol. off to a good start i'd say right? but of course half way thru my reply about how i feel i just shit myself, here comes the setback. she then sent a text saying, "shit, idk why i just said that" ........
and the knife keeps turning, lol.
but eventually i got the point across that i'm not really looking for something serious just yet. i mean, how the fuck would we see eachother? lol, anyway, we kinda came to an agreement that shit was cool between us and that this could work. i want it to. so i'd like to take her out for coffee or ice cream sometime this week before i leave for white lake(even tho she works at Dairy Queen and probably doesnt wanna smell the shit after work, lol). OH! thats another thing,WHITE LAK! but, i'll get to that in a minute. my point is, that either way, i see myself getting closer to her and thats good enough for me. hell, maybe i'll bone her at the movies? HAH! that was a little joke, =P. anyway, i'm just gonna wait and see how things go.
Anyway, to kick things off on this fucked up little sequence, i'm going to provide the reader of this most blessed of journal entries with a little background info. My dad's recently finally got his shit together and got himself a job. A good one at that.(dont remind me i need one, lol). anyway, he's workin the good ol' 9 to 5 shit. Well thats all fine and dandy but now hes trying to tell me that we may not go to white lake.....EXCUSE ME? I mean, i been begging him to get his shit together now for like 8mnths. and when he finally does, it has to fuck up my one planned cool thing of the summer...
Well yesterday, he told me we were DEFINITELY gonna be able to go. YES! So i figure, shweet. Get a Tan. have some fun. run people over with our jet boat, ALL IS WELL!
lol. He went out and did what i SHOULD'VE known he was gonna do. SPEND MORE MONEY NEEDLESSLY! he went out and bought one of those "Sea - Scooters" that are propelled and pull you thru the water. I figure, WHAT THE HELL! we dont need more useless shit! especially when were too broke to afford it in the first place! then get this! i asked him for $45 for my league fees for bowling and he started bitching and moaning about how he doesnt have the money...BOO FUCKING HOO. if he didnt spend it all on stupid bullshit like the fucking sea scooter, we wouldnt be so fucked up financially now would we?
I swear, i'm fucking tearing my hair out and the roots. GAH! anyway, i ended up getting hil to drive all the hell way over from VA Beach with his credt card to pull me out some cash and was able to bowl. Then i bowled like shit! =[
it never ends....
well that was a good sized fucking rant. jeez, really long, lol. ah well. i got out what i needed. i'm good for ahwile. I'll let ya know how things turn out! Until next time, stay tuned...