almost a good year since i updated. whooops!!!

Oct 08, 2007 20:31

the past years been full of experience and excitment. ups and downs. the ups lead me to want to go nuts and crazy and vomit with happy thoughts while the downs almost lead me to suicide. but my full year of denial due to Nick is gone. and i moved on and decided to go out with Chase who ive been friends with since i entered school. okay not friends. but aquaintences until the last half of school last year. we liked eachother soon after, and decided to go out on july 10th of 2007 at 346 am. so wednsday will be our 3rd month. not so big, i know. but it seems longer due to the fact that i didnt want to date and was still scared of dating. But my friend beth and i stopped being friends. shes betetr off without me. same with kyle. so ill deal without them. so much drama so much drama... hmm.... uh yeah. i love you and im sorry i havent updated =] peace
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