Jun 09, 2010 16:33
So been in the house for good since Friday. Today is Wednesday. Still no Internet there, so at college using theirs. It makes it harder to do my project work though when I can't quickly google something and then continue on my way. I've also been applying for jobs. I had a phone interview on Tuesday, went well I'd like to think. I didn't answer "I don't know" to any of her questions so that's a good interview in my book, lol. Later that day a different recruiter called about a different job and we talked about that job and he said he'd call me back on Friday and let me know what's up because they had already closed CVs when I sent mine. He'll let me know if they reopen them. Then just a few minutes ago a different company had sent me an online 'general knowledge' test that apprently judges how I think/respond to training, so I just did that. It was ok, the last section where you have to look at a normal capital R and a backwards capital R, which are considered different, and then look at them rotated and decide which is which...that was weird and I think I didn't do great on it since it's all timed. Oooooh well. Plenty more fish in the sea.
Babycakes comes back to Irish soil on Sunday and hopefully down to me on Monday. Sweet baby Jesus, this week and a half has felt like a month and a half, no joke. Usually I'm omg it's already WED? This week went so fast! Puh, not this time.
What else.... Besides all the jobby excitement I've been plugging along with my thesis project and watching Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 90s clothes are the best because I can actually remember wearing that shit.