hiya everyone. it's been a while. neway...
so yesterday i find out i got kicked outta cat. yay! i've been trying for that for a while. the only problem i have now is that i have to figure out which school i'm going to. cripes. i've got the choice of lakewood, gibbs, and osceola. ho boy. i wanna go to lakewood and then get on the waiting list for bogie. getting into bogie would be a dream. lol.
more good news is that i was sick yesterday. i'm pretty much over it tho. only a slight fever. that was fun.
i pretty much lead a boring life, but i'm happy with it. tommorrow i'm supposed to do 2 things. i'm supposed to go to see harry potter with simone and austin, but it's also alex's bday party. decisions, decisions. so i'm wondering how that's gonna work out. i guess i can see harry potter some other time, but i really wanted to hang with simone and austin. besides, i don't wanna leave those 2 alone in a theater together. heh.
so ya. this is probably my longest entry so far. vv007
now for a link...