Happy Holidays, f_lexi_ble!

Dec 15, 2007 23:02

To: f_lexi_ble
From: jess_darkwater

Title: Disenchanted
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Frank/Patrick [Frank/Gerard, Patrick/Pete]
Word Count: 1,394
Warnings: Nothing except a little tying up.
Disclaimer: Who knows what the boys do at home. I don't know but I wish I did. This is fiction, unfortunately.
Summary: It started as a once-off, a quickie against The Used’s tourbus, Frank throwing his head back against the door and moaning loudly as someone-Jeph-laughed manically and Bert threatened all sorts of lynching if they didn’t move right this instant.
Notes: You wanted no romance, no hearts and roses. I tried and it only appears in the secondary pairings. I hope that's alright. I loved the idea of a dominate Patrick and submissive Frank.

It started as a once-off, a quickie against The Used’s tourbus, Frank throwing his head back against the door and moaning loudly as someone-Jeph-laughed manically and Bert threatened all sorts of lynching if they didn’t move right this instant. It was supposed to stay a once-off because Patrick came first, his hips jerking erratically and his teeth biting down on Frank’s collarbone. Patrick mumbled something that sounded like ‘Pete’ after that and Frank came, shouting Gerard’s name to the night.

They promised never to mention it again-though Bert did-but somehow Frank kept coming back and Patrick was able to imagine the short, wiry, older man-Patrick liked that he was older-had a Nightmare Before Christmas sleeve and a darker complexion. In the dark it worked and it the dark he couldn’t help himself. And Frank liked the way Patrick never asked him if he was okay, never hesitated and never, ever, set a time and date. Frank liked the way the younger boy would grab him and slam him against a wall, would wake him up in the morning with his arms tied down.

The second time it happened, Frank tripped as he came off stage and found himself with his face in Patrick’s crotch. It didn’t matter that Bob was still coming off stage, nor that the techies were all milling about; Frank got as far as mouthing Patrick’s cock through his jeans before he was being pressed against a crate somewhere in the open and his hands were being tangled up in thick, black, wires but that was okay because Patrick was pulling his jeans down and fisting him roughly until he was whimpering softly, a pale shuddering mess in the dark. He liked the way that Patrick rocked back on his heels, grinned once and then left him there. Once Frank managed to free his hands, he pulled up his jeans and that was that, except for grinning back at Bob who glowed in the shadows. Bob liked watching and Frank liked performing.

Whilst they are on tour it's easy and convenient. Frank doesn't have to explain away the bruises or the rope burns or the odd bite mark on his neck. Everyone's used to Frank tripping and introducing his face to the floor or being jumped by fans. Patrick is used to disappearing and Pete's used to missing him. When the tours finish or there's a break, Frank finds himself constantly on edge, expecting to be jumped or grabbed or whisked away, but it never happens. The worst is a lull when Pete finally makes up his mind and realises what's been in front of him the whole time. Frank's lonely then. He resents that Gerard's off with some girl or another, having decided that if Mikey used to like men-Pete-and now likes women, he can too. So there's no Gerard to dominate and no Patrick to be controlling.

The break comes when Patrick gets bored of making love and receiving flowers and having songs written about him. Frank likes that. Frank knew that Patrick would. He doesn't complain when his babbling is cut short by Patrick’s scarf-Pete’s: Patrick never wears them-nor does he mind when Patrick decides one night to paint his tattoos with edible body paint, though the wait is one of the worst experiences he’s ever had to go through. But he likes that he is gagged and that his hands are tied down, even though they itch to pull Patrick’s hair until he screams.

Patrick likes that Frank is inked. Some tattoos he barely touches but the tip of his tongue to, some-like the scorpion-he traces with a nail, irritating the skin and then laving softly with his tongue. He runs out of body paint quickly-the man has too many tattoos-and settles for using the remnants to trace the edges of Frank’s cock. He lies on Frank’s thighs, which are quivering slightly, grinning maliciously at Frank who is banging his head against the floor to get his point across. Patrick's slightly turned on by the muffled noises he's making through the gag. Patrick briefly wonders whether he can be bothered to get a pillow-he doesn’t want his floor to get stained-but decides instead to lick the paint off.

He enjoys the way Frank’s back arches off the floor and wonders if he will have bruises tomorrow but Frank is coming and he really doesn’t want to see if come will stain the floor. Well, mostly, he doesn’t want to have to tell his cleaner what is staining the floor but Frank’s panting and whimpering because Patrick hasn’t stopped. Patrick can’t help but smirk down at the smaller man and continues to swirl his tongue around the head, can’t stop his hand from gripping Frank’s shaft harder. He stops when Frank manages to get a hand loose, pulling his hair painfully. He bites his lip and enjoys the way Frank lays there waiting, even as he gets in his car and drives to Pete’s house. He’s a new idea to share. He leaves a post-it on the front door, reminding Frank to lock up before he goes and asks him to put the gag and rope back in the bedside cabinet, please.

Occasionally Frank wakes to hands over his eyes and Patrick pressing hard against him and he arches up expectantly, wincing slightly as Patrick slides in-he prepares him briefly; Patrick secretly likes the winces-can’t help moaning and rolling his hips and doesn’t even mind that his head is banging against the wall or that Ray is staying over in the room next door and can hear his strangled moans that, for once, aren’t cut off because Patrick’s hands are too busy gripping his face. Frank never tells Patrick that he gets used to this so much that sometimes he forgets and keeps his eyes closed the entire time he’s fucking Gerard. He doesn’t tell Patrick of the screaming and the crying as Gerard asks him if he finds him unattractive.

One day Patrick leaves him tied to a bench in a park. His trousers are undone and his cock limp and there is come everywhere. Frank doesn’t mind being arrested, he minds being untied. Fall Out Boy laugh when they find out but My Chemical Romance seem to acquire new frown lines. Frank never noticed that Pete is older than him. Pete frowns and Frank secretly draws stick-figure pictures and swaps his and Pete's names. He burns these pictures with his lighter soon after but not before he draws hangmen and labels them all Pete. He has to remind himself that he loves Gerard. He buys roses and leaves them on Gerard’s doorstep. If he hides them slightly so that they’re wilting by the time Gerard actually finds them, he doesn’t think long on it, but he finds his heart jumping when Gerard grins at him a couple of days later. Frank forgets that Patrick’s grin is not lop-sided because Gerard is actually smiling at him. He likes that.

The last time Frank lets Patrick fuck him they’re both messes, both belonging to other people and yet they can’t quite help this, can’t help fucking loudly where anyone can find them. They still haven’t fucked on a bed or couch yet and Frank is grateful. He only ever fucks Gerard on beds and couches. Frank forgets how young Patrick is, forgets that he’s not supposed to ask questions, and only sees the tears rolling down Patrick’s face. Later, he shows Patrick his secret stash of ice-cream and they watch Reservoir Dogs and Frank hugs Patrick goodbye in the morning. Patrick looks different in the day.

Frank calls Gerard when he’s gone and later he asks Mikey for Pete’s number. He doesn’t leave his name but swears that Pete had better look after that boy otherwise he will never forgive him. He forgets that Wentz knows his voice. He forgets that Gerard is coming over. He turns as he puts the phone down and Gerard is standing there but Gerard is smiling and mumbling about how kind that was of him. Frank doesn’t say anything but leads Gerard over to the Nintendo 64 and vows to thrash him on Goldeneye. He does (Gerard doesn’t tell Frank that he’s purposefully losing).

mcr, fob, fic, frank/patrick

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