WHO: Georgina Sparks, anyone else interested
WHAT: Blowing off third in the girl's bathroom.
WHERE: Bathroom
WHEN: During 3rd period
WARNINGS: PG-13 and up?
Georgina sat on the porcelain sink in the bathroom nearest her third period class. Her legs dangled from her perch while she checked her text messages, her e-mail, Gossip Girl updates; whatever she could find to keep herself busy.
Every now and then a student would walk in, actually intending to use the facilities. On such occasions, G simply glanced up and down in a span of three seconds and resumed what she was doing. Sometimes it was a freshman who didn't know any better than to stand there, shocked. Georgina would glance back up and give her best malicious smirk and the girl would duck into a stall instantly.
She checked her watch. Still thirty minutes left to kill before she headed back to History with five minutes to bell. She'd pass by the teacher offering the excuse of "lady troubles" before taking her seat in the back and counting down the remaining minutes.
The faucet was beginning to dig into the small of her back and she had to shift her weight. She reached into her MBMJ handbag and fished for a carton of cigarettes. She found her lighter and lit the cigarette. She blew the smoke out haphazardly, not bothering to open a window. The smoke crept down her windpipe, into her lungs and invaded her blood stream. She close her eyes and leaned back, her head resting on the mirror behind. How much longer 'til lunch? Twenty minutes? Fifteen? Right now, it didn't matter.
(so i'm lazy because this was the sample in my application but i thought it made a good ota log)