WHO: EVERYONE with a dream form.
WHAT: The third Dream class
WHERE: The Basement Infirmary.
WHEN: Thursday, after regular classes.
WARNINGS: Violence, ?
((OOC Notes:
This should cover the basics for any of our newer peoples! Checking out
previous logs might help too! Reply to existing threads or start your own. Have fun!))
There weren't any dream classes over the holiday, adding to the illusion that it was just like any normal class. It was a joke really, one that few students who took the class would find funny. But now school has resumed it's normal pace. And with it, the basement infirmary will once again find a body to put in every cot. Some dreamers might find themselves a little rusty from the break, their armor not as thick or their bloodthirst not as strong.
But in time, that will also return to normal.
The dream starts off a bit quieter this time. Most of the classrooms are empty. Footsteps in the hallways echo back. This must've been what it was like during the vacation. If the school was a living thing, it had been undeniably lonely. This feeling will seep into the dreamers, driving them to seek one another out. What will happen then remains to be seen.
Class, once again, is in session.