WHO: Elena (
class_rookie), OPEN to kendo club members and/or anyone who would be around/in the kendo club room.
WHAT: Elena decides that being a brain and a chatterbox isn't enough. She wants to be able to KICK ASS.
WHERE: Kendo club room (or dojo, whatever they've got)
WHEN: Sunday morning
WARNINGS: The bright ideas of a blonde freshman.
At first glance, Room 4001 mightseem empty. But the rattling of paper and plastic paired with the sounds of crunching meant that someone had to be in there. Elena sat on the floor on the other side of her bed, where she wouldn't be directly in the line of sight if the door opened. That way she would have a chance to sweep at least some of the evidence under the bed. The Cheetos bag was mostly empty. There were about half of the Oreos left. And the pint of ice cream -- well, she couldn't let it melt all over the place! So she'd finished that off too.
It had been one of those mornings.
Elena brushed some of the wrappers and crumbs aside before getting to her feet. "Hey Leviathan." She made her way over to the tank that held her roommate's pet snake. Her older sister hated snakes with a passion. So of course Elena took to him right away. She pushed aside some of the screen to reach down in there with an offering. "Want a Twizzler?"
Leviathan looked less than impressed. And Elena couldn't really blame him.
She wandered over to the door and stepped out into the hallway. It was almost eerily quiet. Great for studying. But she was already ahead in her homework. She felt prepared for the next debate club meeting too. Her whole life prepared her for that. "This sucks. I wish I were on the boy's floor." They were always rowdy, with fights and parties and --
Sometimes Elena's ideas are good ones. And sometimes they're just...ideas. It's too early to tell which of the two this one was. But at least it gave her something to do. A mission. The freshman wasted no time in rushing back into her room, brushing her teeth, and then heading towards the club rooms. The kendo one, to be specific.
It seemed almost as quiet as her floor. Elena stepped in, eyeing the foreign room and the equipment lining the wall. "Hello? Anyone here?" A voice echoed back to her. But then she realized it was just her own.