[thoughts- private/hackable because buffy never pays attention in computer class]
I think I remember someone. Or I should. A guy. Dark hair, I think. And we used to be friends.
What's wrong with me? You'd think sleep would help, but no. Nada. Nothing.
History test tomorrow, and I am this close to giving up. Who cares about some guys
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I'm bad with remembering all the dates and events though, so I sympathize.
Glad to have you on my side.
I'd say I have some fantastic study trick, but I really don't. I just read until my eyes bleed and then hope for multiple choice questions and word banks.
Besides, you'd get blood on the paper. I'm pretty sure they take off marks for that.
Back at my old school there was a rumor about a teacher who wouldn't let this kid go to the bathroom when he got a bloody nose and then wouldn't accept his exam sheet because it was bloody. So I wouldn't put it past anyone.
[/tells retarded stories BUT LOOK IT'S ERIC ISN'T HE CUTE? :> /distracts you]
Wow. Did anyone tell them to remove the stick from up his backside?
I've always just hoped it was a rumor and not a real incident. But I imagine he'd be the type to throw a chair at you or something if you argued.
Ugh, chair throwing. What was he, teacher by day, cage wrestler by night?
Clearly. He probably had tenure and that's why they couldn't fire him or something.
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