So, under all these cuts is a Pokabu Pillow, a Jirachi Hat Custom, a BACHURA + DENCHURA NECKLACE PIMPAGE FOR AIS + update on... me?
I lost count of how many hours I worked on him... I didn't expect it, but it feels SOOOO good to get a pillow commission done. :'3 The patterns have been made for the others, but cutting out fabric really kills inspiration - and if it doesn't then getting frequent knots like this does:
It's hard to see but that's literally over 40 threads tangled in one knot. ;u; So yeah... hours of almost crying and so on. I'm sick of my machine fucking with me. On top of that the reverse handle/back step decided to break so I'm really nervous about what to do. It... kinda works? But it's so dangerous with embroidery. ;A;
Anyway, here is what he looks like:
I really hope the commissioner likes him. I did have fun minus all the problems. ;u; Minky, you are a soft bastard and make me want to cheat on you with flannel should I bother to open pillow commissions ever again.
So this was a commission done for Ais since she's a Jirachi nerd. I hate that thing. Or at least working with it. Pain in the ass. :/ But some DAYUM cute theme. We bought supplies together some time ago, and everything is baby pink with ruffles and oozes Charlotte because if Charlotte could ever be a Pokemon then she'd be a Jirachi, and so Ais loves Jirachi because she's obsessed with Charlotte and Charlotte is obsessed with pink therefore Ais is obsessed with cutesy things paired with Jirachi therefore... Pink starhead hat. 8C
This was by far my favorite hat made, though Hitomoshi still owns for my favorite foamy Poke. I didn't super glue my fingers. At all. Not a drop. And the ribbon on the brim is the cutest and best placed yet. ;u; Not to mention is fits on the Jirachi pokedoll perfectly. I'm so happy~ Can't wait to make Gible! 8D
Also am working on the next four to be auctioned! I'm most exicted for Pants on the ground lizard. I love those teeth. ;u;
So Ais is my best friend, and no one talks to her on livejournal - she is shy and weird. But her jewelry is as exclusive as my hats, and she is going with the same theme I am for the last auction with an added addition - She will be doing pantsonground lizard, heart bats, and thunder spiders. She finished this set, and while it's blurry I thought some of you should see it and get excited. I'm giving you the heads up on one of a kind, won't be repeated customs. Now you know why you added me to your F-list!
They are so cute omg. ;u;
On top of that she fucking lured me in. I am a closet collector for the love bats and Axew. But... I think I may have to fight in the love bats battle. Because it's hard denying them. ;;
Life. So... work sucks. Like, on a huge level. Like, my hours have been cut back SOOOOOO bad I started crying. I have 5 hours next week. How did I go from 30 to 5? Granted everyone is being cut, but it just is so hard on me. I have payments, work is the only thing keeping me from some personal issues at home, with stupid douchey drama, and stress in general. My stomach condition is flaring and I've been trying to not tell anyone but it hurts BAD. At work I can ignore it, at home I can't. So I've spent almost every day with a friend to keep me off it, but more stress hits me.
I'm trying to write Rbones to calm down. The more I upload on the LJ account, the more I realize how much I've progressed looking from the 2008 work to the recent 2011 chapter. 8D I kinda get excited? And I'm looking more and more and more at the door of oppurtunity? I recently saw the end of Reaper's Bones the other day. It hit me like a brick. I haven't been able to envision the ending, but then I saw it and can't stop thinking about it. ;u; Even if no one is reading it I am 100% happy to know I am at least showing someone and at the same time seeing how far I've come. <3
Then I see Babylondonstar's work on Pearl and Lapis and it makes me miss LOD, but I don't want to write it because... it's such a game universe. And I get a little ashamed and humiliated when I do write it because I think of how some people critiqued it. But it's weird because I normally have a tough skin with writing critique but with LOD it bothers me because I'm critiqued as a writer when I'm not trying to write...? I'm just trying to plan out a game universe idea? Then I write but feel like I should be treating it like Rbones and writing it but instead I make it game choppy and get all around embarrassed? UGH I'M STUPIDS.
Everything is just about packed up and I am so ready to ship tomorrow. I need the room in my room. Thanks candles. 8C
I have so many messages to get back too... from commissions to auctions to commissioners to just people telling me they miss me. Life. Stop being busy and a pain in my ass. 8C
Bookmark Commissions: Chatot + Shiny Chatot
Pillow Commissions: Mijumaru Pillow with yellow base
Trades: Irene's bookmarks + Finish Gigaisu and Shuckle ornaments
Hats to be auctioned next: Pantsonthegroundlizard, Oshawatt, Tepig and Snivey. <3 Remember these are one of kind and I'm giving you the heads up first F-List. 8C