Merry Christmas, my beloved creeper! Here's your Christmas present, a bookmark of your favorite thing Maggyo! I hope you like it! ;u; He will be turned into a bookmark and mailed to you as soon as I can finish the box of love going your way~
You're tomorrow night's surpise, Ryuu. ;D
I am actually making a collection site for my collections.I'm kinda excited, and pretty embarrassed. I haven't even told Matt I collect Pokemon XD; So nervous! He's got his guy nerd stuff, but he hasn't been in my room to see the shelves of spooky candle monsters! Eeep! Anyway, Nightmarish Lights is being tweeked at but will feature my favorite line, and then there will be a shared site for the other collections I have - Froslass, Milotic, Miju, Derpy Duo, Doredia, and Vampapillar. <3
I'm trying to push through the Pokemon art. I'm waaay too busy for anything. I work so many hours it's insane, on top of next week is like... more hours then any of the managers or store managers. I'm thankful for the money but also super panicky. It could be my last couple weeks unless they keep me on board. D8
I guess I am also nervous. I'm doing... decent with money but been on such a candle needy hype. I also have sooo many trades to get to. Damn you busy life. At least January should become more tame with work if I am kept. Though I also have to balance spending time with Matt and myself on top of commissions. Relationships are stressful. Fuck fuck fuck...