Sorry if this image breaks your scroller-thing but I wanted to show them off. ;u; Like my quick watermarks since I haven't loaded any brushes yet trololololol
I'm glad I was able to complete these! Another wave of pain is coming so I gotta hurry this to take the next batch of meds. I'm assuming the spike in pain means the blood is iritating the other organs around the cyst. They warned me that was bad but ahhhhh it's hurting. I hope these guys will sell. Anyone think the black eye style is better? Or prefer the colored eyes? D:
I'm curious - has anyone ever had a shoulda coulda woulda collection? That one Pokemon you always were like "if only"? One of mine is Ninetails. I always adored it when I was younger, but when I came to the community not only was I on a kick of new Pokemon (or new to me since I had only then discovered gen 3+4) but I was so intimidated by all the collectors. At least if this doesn't sell, I'll be able to like her. Shiny ninetails = best ninetails.;u;