May 22, 2008 22:18
well that went well. so I put in applications at three locations today and expect to do three more tomorrow. Quick Check looked somewhat promising. Anyway the day seemed to go alright from my putting in applications on until just a moment ago. I was trying to plan out the weekend as far as Marilyn is concerned and me and my dad agreed that she could come over Saturday or Sunday and help paint and then Monday we would invite her up to my uncles for a barbecue. Sounds great, I lit up like a Christmas tree. Anyway so my dad and I agree on that and then Vicki storms in from out of nowhere scolding me and my dad that now I'm getting two "rewards" and that we are wasting gas money now having me see her twice. She scolds my dad saying that she thought it would be one or the other, not both and that she was just voicing her opposition so I could hear it but she'd leave him to his decision even though she disagreed with it.. I don't know what it is with that women but she certainly has something against me.. I'm always nice to her and trying to help her out however I can. I guess the fact that I don't already have a job is infuriating to her but I'm out there looking, I don't own a time machine or anything... ah well her childhood was a lot harder than mine so perhaps she comes from that unfair bias.