thanksgiving recap & destiny

Nov 27, 2005 21:59

Thanksgiving, in a nutshell:

Shows seen : 2
Shakespearean actors fallen in love with : 1
Celebrities seen : 2
Celebrities seen that were in awful 90s sitcoms and were awfully dressed : 1
Old friends reminisced with : 7
Bets placed on the rumble for Kim's Love : 2
Times eaten ethnic food : 3
Starbucks : 4
Pages of thesis written : 7 (!!!)
Pages of thesis to write : 20+
Thesis due : Friday
Pages of French paper written : 0
Amount of time before crying during testimony : 30 seconds
Cute, Good Christian Science Boys at Church : 6
How many recognized me from 2nd grade : 2
Number of Good CS Boys usually at Church : 0
Orange rolls eaten : 5
Amount of orange roll frosting eaten : indeterminate
Times burned self on hot tray of orange rolls while frosting : 5
Amont of times swear was heard by 15 year old cousin : 1
Late night diner food : 1, attempted 2
DVDs found and brought back to gburg : 4
Temperature : 70s & sunny
Temperature at night : 60, and I was freezing
Heat lamps around us at dinner : 5
Plans to take over Hollywood with Derek : lots
Executive desks planned to order : 2
Souls to sell for jets : 2
Awesome times overall : lots

Lovely time at home, seeing everyone, cavorting, and general mischief. Good to be back at the burg, but of course I miss LA. I'll be back at Christmastide. It's raining now here and it sounds pretty.

Christmas music on full blast. :)

Derek i think you should come back so we can start making good on those plans of hostile takeovers
Emily yes indeed
Derek i think it's our destiny
Emily it most likely is
Derek and when destiny's calling collect, do you really want to be on the other side of the country?
Emily no
Emily and that is why i <3 you
Derek the scary/wonderful thing is, if we actually tried, we could probably get pretty far in those hopes of taking over hollywood
Emily and by scary/wonderful you mean FANTASTIC
Derek and we could always make movies about the peace corps
Derek and then you could get yourself on the board of directors at any museum you wanted
Emily i can go on location for the film haha
Derek it all works
Emily so much for mud huts in africa
Emily or maybe we can stay when we're on location
Emily then go on safari
Derek so yeah....hollywood needs you
Derek and by that i mean i need you / it needs us
Derek ::::phone ringing:::: it's probably destiny.....go ahead, pick it up
Emily hello, destiny?
Derek emily dahling, where have you been, what have you been doing? long time no talk.
Emily yes, yes, terrible long time dearest
Derek i'm sure it's all fascinating in a very "oh" sort of way....anyway, hon, let me tell you, we need you out here in california
Derek this town hasn't seen a good movie since the eighties - help us out here
Emily oooh destiny, I'm not sure I can resist
Derek Dahling! What is there to resist?! I'm offering you fame, fortune, gratuitous sex and violence ( the movies of course ) and the chance to do something memorable
Derek what do you say?
Emily oooh you cheeky thing
Derek ::destiny's vulgar like that::

friends, boys, cavorting, la, cs, school, theatre

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