Sep 21, 2003 12:51
So me and Ryan were riding on past Southern Nights a few days ago and we had a very stupid and pointless conversation that I'm going to post cause Ryan shocked me.
Matt: Hey man when we hit 18 I'll so take you there.
Ryan: Yea, but I'd be covering my eyes going AHH my virgin eyes lets go Matt, but then we'll see some girls dancin and you'll be like oh come on lets give it a chance.
Matt: No we will see some guys dancin naked and you'll be like ya this isn't so bad and i ll be freakin out and goin ahhh that's no mushroom.
Ryan: YEA then I'll ask can I have a bite of your mushroom?
Matt: (laughing) EWWW, Ryan, you just crossed that line and didn't even look back. I can't believe you just said that.
Ryan: No i didn't shut up, well you left it open.
Matt: (laughing) I'm so never leting you live that down.
heh i guess it was one of those you had to be their situations.