Was i really that blind for cyn?

Apr 05, 2009 00:06

so, after moving out and treating her like shit and her telling me i changed and blah blah blah. after her telling me to not go to her funeral. its april right.
and a year ago things were diff...i was so stuck on her but now that im out the box and my feelings are completely different i just can't realize that i wasted my time for that long over someone who really seriously was not even worth it.

i missed all the signs and all the b.s. like wow...what an idiot huh. guess thats why noone close to me liked her. they saw it before i did. cuz noone says nothing about ariel the way they did cyn. ariel is like really an upgrade.

shes great..yeah we have faults and i got my secrets and so does she but she can't keep them from me i kinda wish she would of just kept her pretty lil mouth shut...

but in comparing them both they are so different and i mean ariel just really cares so much
and really is there for me and i never had that before well maybe.

why did i date cyn...i don't get it...i wished andy would of asked her instead of me cuz hey that would of been straight. what a liar and she still is as far as im concerned. but thats the end of her atleast till sept cuz she wants me to wait to end the damn lease. sighz. teens really do make dumbass decisions

but if theres one person i didn't want to lose out of everyone i have come across was my lil bro... why ?
you dumb ass why after looking out for him defending him sticking by his side promoting him him being my fucking dj....
how do you walk away from such a close friendship like nothing. over something so fucking immature and childish. he never bothered to talk about it but wants to blame me when i defend my family wtf...im suppose jump and give you a hug and tell you i love you lil bro like you didn't do shit. damn...ppl really do suprise you. but. w.e. im getting used to this shadyness of ppl.

ariel close to 11 months....wow.
shes great tho.
she might not be all the way there for me but shes trying to change and fuck it
i love her im not in love with her...i strongly feel for her and i feel like despite it all shes worth the effort i just got to get over myself...

im 19 its about time i acted my age...gotta figure shit out.

ha. i don't hate cyn btw. im just really thankful to have her out of my life.

btw. some lady paid close to 500 bucks to get my car fixed and i didn't know her...fuck i got everything to be grateful for!

i truly feel i have a guardian angel...thanks to my mommy whom i love.
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