A Documentary, some questions, and Thursday!

Oct 05, 2006 17:18

"Stupid in America"

We've all heard it. Americans are stupid, lazy and dumb. Americans are morons ect. ect.. America will implode on itself if we don't do something so let's run around screaming!

The video is about education in America and how bad it is, and how us private school kids and the students from Belgium are making the public school kids look bad.

you can watch it here.


I came across this documentary the other day. I think it is a little corny in the way its so dramatic about things. But overall I think it is accurate. However I have gone to private schools all my life.

It's really long, but the part I thought was best was from 4 minutes to another 20 or so minutes where the students from Belgium were talking. That one boy seems like a real jerk, but I respect his opinion.

Here are my questions:

1. Do public schools in other countries(yours if you're not American) really fund religious schools? What about Islamic ones?

2. What was your perception about American students before this documentary? (If you watched it) After?

3. Is it just me or are there an unusually large number of black students in the private schools shown in this movie?

4.Did this documentary take it too far with the "we are doomed" analogy?

So feel free to leave any other comments or questions or thoughts . Im interested in what other people think of this topic.

edit: I have more questions!

5. Those kids have incredibly awsome accents, I want one! How do I get one?

6.What is it with middle-aged women and complaining? On both sides they were bitching like no other!

7. Why is it, that despite our crappy public schools we still are the most powerful and prosperous country in the world! Does that mean that education may not be quite as important as people think it is? If so what is more important?

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