A little while ago I wrote about being sick and being lucky enough to be able to go to the doctor. Which I was wonderfully blessed to get the medicine I needed and start to get better.
I have taken all the medicine I was giving. I was able to beat the illness before it traveled to my sinuses and my left ear. It took about two weeks to finish all the antibiotics, but I noticed my cough was lingering. Asking around, the general census was that the cold chest thing I caught but had been a virus. That I shouldn't worry and it just let the virus run its course.
I would be fine with this advice, but I speak for a living as a tech helpdesk agent. I have never felt as blessed as when I have a mute button available to me. It saves the person I am on the phone with from losing their hearing due to my horrible cough. My poor co-workers must think I have the pox or the consumption at this point. I keep my desk clean all the time and Lysol my keyboard, headset and monitors about once a month.
After a horrible lung rattling tears running down my face coughing spell, one of my favorite co-workers came over, "I can hit you on the back if you need. Like really hard..." Everything in me stop as I turned to face him my face must have had an astonished look upon it because then he added, "Just say the word and I will." Honestly lead my tongue to agree. He started to walk away, distracted by something. "Yes, yeah" I said louder. "You just say" He came back over joking with me. "Can't threaten me with a good time." I added nonchalantly. He continued on with his sentence then dead stopped as what I said sunk in. "So, what it that your thing? Getting hit really hard on the back?" I stared at him then gave a slight smirk before turning back around.
So having the never ending cough is horrible when I am trying to sleep, talk or you know just be alive. But the silver lining is that I got un-nerve a coworker and that was fun.
Here's to hoping I survive this and go back to a non coughing existence soon.
brynspikess supplied me with a wonderful and real ad from when marketing
was based on looks and not on the well being of the individual.
cough *Note the sarcasm* cough
Hey, I guess my cough isn't the only thing that is never ending, haha!