May 08, 2004 01:21
It is going on 2 am; I am pulling a 26 hour day again..I really do not want to,,I am procrasting the day ahead.Or is the day ending..So I come to this typing page to vent.Good news on the home front grnm went mattress shopping today.So it is days in the making that she will be at least sleeping in her own house.I am almost giddy with joy.My place that I am buying is only 2 bed-bath, with 3 people living in it,soon to be 4 if my bro even makes it the front But How many 23 yr olds can say that their buying their own house?Wes from work gave a complement to me, he said that I seem too happy to be going through what I have in the past weeks..Well, heres my theory, I going to be happy because pippas time had come.That life has been far worse than these past moments, that is what they are a movement of a flame of a chandle of a chapel that holds others to be lit.Besides as long as I can better peoples lifes to see true music and art, I have a long as people depend on me,i have a release.ok..There is a friend at work he is 23,never even touched a woman.This boy was fort knoxed' ladies.hehe.He has been placed before me,oh yes,to take him to his first titty bar, mosh pit, cultural diversaulize,just plain is going to be TOO much fun..hehe..Get this he is going to school to be a criminal LAYWER!How did such a timmid creature think up this one? I ask you...What he dosent realize that once you have been ordered to give red marie a big hug theres no going back....hehe..Red.question if a some seems to down or sift about when u get attention from another they like u for more than a friend?humm..yes,maybe