Apr 02, 2006 12:54
You know those dreams that are so disturbing that if your eye snaps open and you catch a trace of your room this feeling of overwhelming security and relief floods over you.
I had one last night, or rather this morning.
I started talking to my parents about politics and situations in different countries and I was just thinking of all the places, countires, or even time periods to be born in this has to be one of the best situations to be born into. Medically we are advanced, our country has a stable economy and governemnt and we are one of the richest nations, if not the richest in the world. So to be born in a place where we live lives where our biggest problem is what to wear that day or little arguments insteed of fearing for your life or how you will eat today or working redicusly hard for no money. And in an age where women are not controlled by actions taken by men and when we live the most comfortable lives ever, honestly barley having to raise a finger. I just think that myself and anyone who would be reading this should be considered very very very lucky. And the last statistic I heard for this was 2.3 BILLION people living in what we would consider extreme poverty. Thats pretty incredible. It makes me feel like crap for having my own car, computer, and the things I have in my room, when some things are worth more than an entire family will ever make in a lifetime. Its not all about living comfortably but just having the means to clothe and feed your kids or family. And then there are things like AIDS which sweep through continents. I just want to help so much. I still want to do International Business with a concentration in Non-profit business. I really just want to help these people.
In other news. I might get to help coach a t-ball team! Thats so cute. :)