The next monthly preview is a little different this time around, mostly because there isn't just one, but three! That's right, the schedule for the remainder of this year has been decided, and aside from a possible extra release, you can all expect the following:
akuma no hikigane by Shijo Tril x Tril
A Partner is a Present You Give Yourself by ituka
H na game wa osuki desho! by 86
☑ a few stories from the anthology
Oji LingeDecember
☑ more from the anthology
Oji Linge☑
Linear Blue by ituka
Private Sky
Series: One Piece
Circle: Shounen Spectre (Tsukudani & Sourei Naruto)
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Pages: 36
Rating: R
Summary: This is one of Shounen Spectre's older books, but with the same exact formula as all the others: Zoro/Sanji with lots of gags in between. And as usual, that makes it hard to give a summary. There isn't much of a running theme in this book aside from some summer-based one page comics and stories, and lots of cute things with Chopper. The last short comic is my favorite. :')