Quick update--I like living in Las Vegas--like the weather even. I didn't realize how much I was afftected by cloudy weather.
The 9th grade students I have to teach need about a year in charm school before they would be ready for high school--rude doesn't cover it. Even so, I am enjoying being in the classroom again.
Last year, in Feb and April, I had attacks of abdominal pain that the doctors couldn't really pin down--all the tests they gave me told me that I was totally healthy and there was nothing wrong. The thing I thought it was--my umbical hernia--the doctors didn't think it was. They didn't seem to think that fixing the hernia would change anything--and anyway it was really unlikely that I would have another attack--after all there wasn't anything wrong with me.
Can you guess that I had another attack? Yep about the 3rd week of school. At that time, new doctors said, Yes your hernia is your only abnormality in your abdominal region and it NEEDS to be fixed. So fix it I did--I had hernia repair surgery on Friday 12/21 (instead of Yule, I had surgery). I choose to have surgery over winter break to minimize my out of work time. My goal was to be back at work on Monday 1/27.
Anyone catch that past tense verb? Yep I was going to be back at work on the 27th--but not anymore. My wound isn't healing well (there is a massive hemetoma that has not been absorbed as well as a possible infection). Anyway, I have to have additional surgery tomorrow morning at 9am (healing energery would be great from ANYONE).
I have been really lucking in sisters. For the first 2 1/2 weeks I had my sister Katherine staying with me and taking careof me. Since the 9th I have had Tree taking care of me--and now she is going to be staying an extra week to help me thorugh the 2nd set of surgery. Tree's family has been great at letting her know that if she needs to stay here, then here is where she needs to be.
Anyway that's my update and I will try not to let 22 weeks go by again.
Hugs to all--and if you reply to this post, know that I won't be able to get to my computer for at least a week if not 10 days.
PS if you want uipdates on my condition, checkout Tree's lj page--she will also be passing comments along to me... Tree's lj is .