
Oct 26, 2008 22:42

Sarah Connor Chronicles [Spoilers to S2; Cameron, John]
Saving Grace [Grace]
OZ [Convicts of OZ]
SGA [John, Rodney, Mcshep]
Firefly [Mal, Inara, Wash/Zoe, Booke, River]
Flapjack [Flapjack, Captain K'nuckles, and Bubbie]
BSG [Number Six and ...Baltar]
Comic [Ricstar, Rictor, Shattarstar. Dani/Xi'an, Nate/Maddie]
DW [Rose and Donna]
Farscape [Chiana, Zhaan, ( Read more... )

actor: david hewlett, oz: ryan o'reily, sga: mckay, manip, dw: rose tyler, oz: toby beecher, firefly, firefly: wash, marvel: nate grey, pairing: mcshep, saving grace: grace, marvel: maddie pryor, firefly: river tam, marvel: rictor, farscape; aeryn sun, actor: joe flanigan, marvel: shatterstar, pairing: zoe/wash, oz, farscape: chiana, scc: cameron, comicbook: genx, farscape, pairing: cameron/john, comicbook: x-men, sga: sheppard, pairing: ricstar, firefly: booke, firefly: inara, mcshep, header, scc, firefly: zoe, bsg, marvel: mirage, dw: donna noble, oz: chris keller, saving grace, pairing: aeryn/john, bsg: number six, scc: john conner, farscape: john crichton, marvel: karma, sga, pairing: donna noble/rose tyler, doctor who, comic, flapjack

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nightingaledies October 29 2008, 00:39:18 UTC
No idea really, it's just an texture from graphic junkie.



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twbasketcase October 29 2008, 00:45:46 UTC
lawl I don't think you're crazy, woman. I see a motherfucker there too! :D


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twbasketcase October 29 2008, 01:44:59 UTC
Oh crazy totally = good thing. Maybe it just says something when 'motherfucker' is the only word in there that we can pick out :P

...although I think I saw an 'evil' in there too, but that also works. :D


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twbasketcase October 29 2008, 01:57:35 UTC
Lulz ...but I want to know what it is! I always wonder why texture people put those small little words like they're some sort of HAHA I KNOW WHAT IT SAYS AND YOU DON'T joke. I'll sit here and figure it out because I'm just that ridiculous! O_O All the power to us then!


nightingaledies October 29 2008, 02:06:16 UTC
You both are so beyond awesome to me right now. and omg, I think the same thing. Hahaha I know what it says and you don't. It gets paranoid, but it went so well with Rictor.

this is where I downloaded the texture, http://candycrack.deviantart.com/art/Icon-Textures-023-92888214


twbasketcase October 29 2008, 02:08:33 UTC
You are such a dink! *DIES* paranoid = Rictor. At least in my head it does. Sometimes I swear there are not enough people in the world who DON'T think he's all casual and mature. *DIES*

I'm gonna look there and try, dammit. :D


nightingaledies October 29 2008, 02:17:25 UTC
I am and YOU ARE TOO! I just wanted an angst filled Rictor icon. OH KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!? awe, *huggles* who can see him as mature, he throw chairs into computers! he teases tabitha all the time and he tries to kill himself. and tee heeeeee, completely in love with Star.



twbasketcase October 29 2008, 02:21:53 UTC
Well Rictor is like the physical embodiment of angst ♥ I so do love him SO much for that, too. *DIES* yeah,if teasing Tabitha means being total ASSHOLE to her, then yes, he does do that from time to time in canon XD. But the chair into the computer and the many, many punching of walls/machines/rocks/houses/people/nads gets me EVERY TIME. A Rictor flip out is really a good day for me 8D And uhm RIC/STAR IS CANON, BITCHES. 'Cause I god damn said so. If that isn't canon man love, then there is no such thing as it. For serious. I seriously believe that with everything. Seriously. I know you know that but I have to say seriously again just for my own piece of mind. XD

*tackles you* Yeah, I totally gave up on that because I got bored and found cherries to play with. O_O


nightingaledies October 29 2008, 02:28:21 UTC
Teasing and being an asshole goes together for Rictor. TEE HEE, I LOVE HIM WHEN HE DOES THAT! OMG, WHEN RICTOR FLIPS OUT, IT MAKES ME SO HYPER AND HAPPY! IT MAKES ME WANT TO GO CRAZY--but not like him. RICSTAR IS BEYOND CANON! only idiots don't see it.



twbasketcase October 29 2008, 02:30:39 UTC
*DIES* well he's an asshole to everyone, really, so I guess that is true. Except Shatty. I only ever saw him be an asshole to Shatty once but that was because Shatty was a jerk to him first ♥ And it makes me hyper too! I fucking love it :DDD Only stupid fat jerk idiot bumsicles don't see it. Especially Peter David because he is A JERKBITCH.

D8 Don't get me started again!


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