185 is out!
So it was the spider lady! I thought she looked familiar…I kinda love-hate the exchange between Watanuki and the spider lady - loved Watanuki's wit and backbone, I agree with the spider lady he was acting cute! Hate - well, the spider lady, she did eat his eye…plus was she hitting on him or something!? I was waiting for Doumeki to barge in to stop her for hitting on him, maybe a little jealousy scene wouldn't have hurt (I smell a fic coming…I might even write it if I have enough time and inspiration, but if you want to use my idea to write a fic than go ahead!).
Anyway, the foxpipe is back! God I missed the little creature, apparently he was in the room with the spider lady, to protect Watanuki of-course, and we finally was out! Gosh I love this page:
Also we have Doumeki for dinner, but it was way too short - I wish there was more conversation between those two…next time we probably see Watanuki searching for the spider lady crimson pearl, he can't leave the shop but I have the feeling his going to that world he went to in the vase…
Let's hope the next chapter would be out soon!