Invitation to a Media Call feat The President of National Foundation for Infectious Diseases!

Nov 30, 2011 20:04

Exciting news! I have been invited to take part in a special immunization conference call tomorrow!
Every Child By Two and Families Fighting Flu, are hosting this special event tomorrow, Thursday, December 1st, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST.

The purpose of this call is to explore the trends driving parent refusal of flu vaccination and address issues such as:
• Cocooning as a proven method to prevent transmission of preventable diseases, including influenza.
• The safety and significant benefits of influenza immunization, with a special emphasis on children, pregnant women and health care workers.

After providing some top-line information regarding current flu trends and vaccine considerations, I’ll be able to speak with Dr. William Schaffner, a renowned flu expert, and Jennifer Lastinger, a mother of four and passionate advocate for flu vaccination.

Dr. William Schaffner is chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine, as well as Professor of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Medicine at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He is considered one of the foremost experts on influenza in the country and is often featured on programs such as Good Morning America. Dr. Schaffner is currently the president of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.

Jennifer Lastinger lost her three and a half year old daughter, Emily, to influenza. Over the course of a weekend, Emily went from a perfectly healthy child to a victim of influenza. Jennifer is now a member of the organization Families Fighting Flu, for which she regularly speaks out on the importance of immunizing yourself and your loved ones against influenza.

This is my first time participating in such activity! Please if you have any advice, questions or concerns you’d like me to address post them here!

media, government, health, advocate, vaccine, nursing, pediatrics, politics

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