An independent grassroots group funding life-saving surgeries for the 30,000 kids on the waiting list in Iraq. All donations go directly to the Preemptive Love Coalition, on the ground in Iraq.
[From Site]
Awareness for congenital heart defects isn’t equal to the scope of the problem. Many people have never heard of CHD unless directly affected. CHD isn’t rare. It’s sadly all too common all over the world, including the United States. But, in Iraq, babies are born with broken hearts at an alarming rate.
Congenital heart defects, also congenital heart disease, means that a person is born with a heart problem. The heart defect develops within the first weeks of life, often before a mother even knows she’s pregnant. The seriousness of the defect varies widely, many people have little to no physical side effects. Other babies need surgery within a first few days after life to survive. Sometimes, a child can live several years before needing a surgery. Often, multiple surgeries are required.
An estimated 30,000 children in Iraq need heart surgery. The number of surgeries performed is under 1000. Without surgery, most of these children have no chance.
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