
Feb 14, 2012 23:05

20 - TV Tropes for 20inspirations
(Luther, Parks and Rec, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Breaking Bad, The Hour, Misfits, Mad Men, Shameless, Doctor Who + more)

Lady in Red: Alice's red hair just makes her seem so much more devious, right?
Heterosexual Life Partners: Even though he blackmailed Jesse, Walt and Jesse are in it until the end. Or until they kill each other.
Hair of Gold: Yellow haired female likes Waffles and news.
Everybody Smokes: Have you seen this show? EVERYBODY SMOKES. It's like Mad Men level smoking except British.
Emotionless Girl: "My mom's Puerto Rican. That's why I'm so lively and colorful."

Break the Cutie: Breaking Bad is essentially "How much can we destroy Jesse Pinkman?" and the answer is a whole lot.
Femme Fatale: She's a call girl. Unless you're paying it won't end well.
First Kiss: Even though it actually only took a bit more than half a season it felt like this was never going to happen but then it did and it was perfect.
Rapunzel Hair: All the women of The Borgias seem to have Rapunzel hair but like everything else Lucrezia does it the best.
Love Triangle: Freddie and Bel are clearly ~soul mates~ and Hector is just getting in the way.

Platonic Life Partners: Oh Captain, my Captain. Ron Fucking Swanson and Leslie Fucking Knope.
Power Trio: The Tardis is just kind of more fun with three.
Action Mom: Fiona is a far better mother than the woman who gave birth to the Gallagher kids.
Badass: Steve Zissou saved his whole boat from pirates on his own with a handgun in a speedo and flip flops. If that isn't bad ass I have no idea what is.
Breakout Character: I think he was the perfect addition, and quickly became a favorite.

Ditzy Genius: The Doctor, especially Eleven, is kind of the epitome of this don't you think? He will figure it out even if he can't get his sonic screwdriver to work right half the time.
Love to Hate: How can you not hate Walt after what he did to Jesse? JESSE!!!
Gunslinger: Kelly v.s The Nazi's.
Lady in Red: Joan is the ultimate red head and gorgeous in red so...
Bad Ass: She saved everyone from Nazi's. Enough said.

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tv: doctor who, *hauntes, tv: misfits, tv: luther, type: challenge, tv: parks and recreation, tv: shameless, tv: breaking bad, tv: mad men, tv: the hour

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